TaceraTacera is an IP Nurse Call and Clinical Communications platform that offers superior flexibility to support your processes and the way your caregivers work.
Select devices, displays, and software applications to create a custom solution for your facility.

Tacera Core System
Tacera offers many options for patients and nurses: pendants, pillow speakers, call points, pull cords, annunciators, lights, touchscreen stations and audio devices.
Tacera provides tools for infection control, fall prevention, reporting, and an open API for true interoperability with other systems.

Completely customizable buttons to mirror your workflow. Set timers and statuses, make VOIP calls, and push data to the EMR/chart on button press.

Pulse Mobile
iOS and Android app allows staff to manage alarms, and remote control the nurse call system with built-in workflow.

Annunciator + Whiteboard
Configurable screens for annunciation of active calls, and census view for a given area. Different screen profiles per unit or area, display only relevant information.

An open API allows Austco to capture and display data from smart beds, RTLS systems, pumps, telemetry equipment, scheduling software, EMRs, and more.

Enterprise Reporting
Advanced reporting and analytics tools. Visualize nurse call data at the room-, unit-, floor-, building- or IDN-level. Reports can be auto generated, and each user has their own content.
Why Tacera?
A scalable solution
Tacera grows with your healthcare organization through extensible architecture and standards-compliant interfaces. Austco believes in true interoperability, and an open, web-services API is how we integrate with virtually any system. No middleware required!
Patient safety and satisfaction
Tacera puts patients in control of their environment with handsets and call buttons for every function. Direct communication, fall prevention measures, and streamlined workflow mean the patient’s experience is optimized in every way.
Optimized clinical outcomes
Tacera provides tools to analyze alarm activity in order to improve patient care. The insights gained from Pulse Reports can drive process improvements in a single department, across units, all the way up to your entire health system.
Streamlined workflow
Tacera can be tailored to support your processes and how your nurses work. Create workflow profiles that capture all relevant metrics, and add functions over time to support care initiatives. All metrics are captured and measurable within the reporting system.
Enterprise, by design
Tacera’s system architecture has been designed to adapt to each deployment. Simple cabling and server configurations mean every building is consistent, and when you want to expand or add a building, the enterprise server can be installed without further configuration.
Take advantage of emerging technologies
IoT devices in healthcare will grow exponentially in the coming years. Tacera’s open API allows seamless incorporation of these devices into your nurse call system.
What integrates with Tacera?

Built with an open architecture and featuring an application programming interface (API), Tacera is designed to integrate with a wide range of hardware, software, and other systems within your facility.
For Nurses and CaregiversDesigned for nurses, by nurses
Austco believes that what we do makes a difference, and we are grateful to assist nurses as they help save lives. We aim for easy-to-understand and esthetically-pleasing hardware, and intuitive software.

Patient Station
Our patient station is a device nurses will use frequently. It features backlit buttons that change color when there is an active call, additional inputs for specialty call cords, telemetry equipment, or pumps.
All our call points are made with a polycarbonate blend so they won’t yellow over time – they’re white now, in 10 years they’ll still be white.
Pull cords and other call points
Pull cord stations will break away at 22 pounds of pressure to prevent injury to the patient and damage to the device or the wall.
All call points have cleaning mode to enable full wipe down without triggering alarms. Cleaning mode is recorded and reportable.
All call points have upgrades: push and hold for a second type of alert, or push three times for a third.

A mobile nurse call system
Pulse Mobile is designed to run on nurses’ personal smartphones. Caregivers can manage alarms and trigger workflow events, anywhere within your facility’s secure network.
The native app is downloaded and updated through the app store just like any other app.
One-button charting
Tacera offers complete flexibility to create any virtual workflow buttons. Color, icons, text, tones are all customizable. Tailor the screens around the way you work. Support care initiatives, like automatic notifications to check on pain or medication administered.
Any button press can be pushed to the patient’s medical record, which means nurses spend less time charting and more time providing care.

For Patients and ResidentsTacera puts patients in control
Being a patient, even under the best circumstances, is a stressful experience. Tacera gives patients the ability to stay in communication with their caregivers, and control their environment.

Pillow Speakers
Our advanced pillow speakers offer the standard nurse call button plus a whole lot more. Patients can speak directly with nurses using full duplex digital audio – it works just like a phone. In addition to the regular call button, patients can indicate specifically what they need, like bathroom assistance, water, housekeeping, and that they’re in pain.
Controls the TV and infotainment, and with Austco’s API, patients can control the shades, lights, thermostat with no additional cabling or relays.
Several “skins” are available for the pillow speaker, with more or fewer buttons depending on the unit, and the patient’s dexterity.
For units where patients don’t need, or can’t use something like the pillow speaker, Tacera offers an array of pendants. Everything from the simple call button to something that controls the lights and TV.
- Dip-sterilizable for easy infection control
- Silicon coated so they won’t slide off the sheet
- Easy to hold and manipulate
- Plastic clips prevent injury to patients

For Managers and AdministratorsMeasure, analyze, and improve
Fall prevention, infection control, interoperability, efficient staffing, patient and staff satisfaction, benchmarking and improvement. Tacera gives administrators and managers the tools to keep up with what’s important.

Enterprise reporting
Pulse Reports is a true enterprise reporting platform aggregating data from every call point, room, unit, floor, building, campus, region, and health system. Slice and dice the data any way you like to gain insights into how your system is working.
Identify efficiencies and roll them out system-wide. Identify areas for improvement and tweak processes to provide better care.
Fall Prevention
Tacera can integrate with your EMR to grab fall risk statuses for each patient.
Combined with an integration with smart beds, Tacera can alert staff when a falls-risk patient’s bed exit alarm isn’t armed, or when their rails are down. Additionally, Tacera can suppress the bed exit alarm when we know a staff member is in the room.

Patient Satisfaction
Patients’ experience in your facility both directly and indirectly affects your bottom line.
- By reducing overhead paging, Tacera contributes to a quieter patient environment.
- Tacera offers robust reporting tools to analyze response times and optimize staffing and workflows accordingly.
- With features like rounding reminders, staff are alerted to address patients’ pain management proactively.
Infection Control
All buttons within Tacera are made with an anti-bacterial additive for improved infection control.
All Tacera call points can be put into “cleaning mode” so they can be completely wiped down. Cleaning mode times are logged and retrievable in Pulse Reports for compliance.

Tacera makes use of Austco’s open API interface which allows Tacera to integrate with virtually any system or application. Austco offers true interoperability, not just the promise.
Get More Information
Contact us for more information about Tacera, and for a price estimate.